Monday, February 8, 2010

New Training Program

A few weeks ago I decided to start a new training program. I've actually been planning on doing for some time, but was unable to implement it due to my injured knee. But now that things have been feeling better I have really gotten into it and it seems to be working better than any program I've used to day.
My plan is to run twice a day on Monday and Wednesday. Then a very short run to recover on Friday and a long run on Saturday. My two-a-day runs have been amazing. The first week I averaged 12 miles between the two runs each day; last week I averaged 15 miles a day between the two runs, and today I did 8 this morning and 10 this afternoon. The great thing is that I'm pretty worked by the end of my afternoon run, but because I always get the next day off I have plenty of time to recover before I do it again. Friday's run really doesn't do much more than work out some tired muscles for Saturday. I've been doing it for a few weeks now and I'm seeing some real improvement in my miles and strength. I really believe this is the best program for me and will prepare me to reach my goals this year.

Read more about my workouts at


Enoch Davies said...

If only you could run a marathon that way. Maybe then I would consider 26.2 miles. HA HA.

I am thinking about doing some trails up behind the U soon. The snow is melted from all but the shadiest of spots.

jun said...

I'd show up for that. Just let me know when.