Saturday, August 20, 2011

Life Happens

It's been a week since the Quest for King's Marathon and I'm still here in the hospital with my son. We are still waiting for his lipase levels to come down in his pancreas so that they can do the final surgery. We are hoping it will happen on Wednesday. Then we just have to wait out his recovery and he'll be back to normal. Then, with a bit of luck, our lives will be back to normal.

I've only had time to run once in the last week. I can feel the lack of miles on my legs and can't wait for the day when I can get back on a normal workout program. But right now I wouldn't be anywhere else. Max gets better every day (until he has the surgery and then he'll go back into the recovery phase) and for a good portion of the day he is even a happy little boy, playing with his dinos and cars. These are the moments we look forward to and try to enjoy, knowing that later he will have to have his dressings changed or get checked by the docs, neither of which he likes. It's only time though and time passes, usually quite quickly. Soon we'll look back on this as a growing experience, at least until the bills start rolling in. Ha.

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